Unveiling Mina ProtocolšŸ› ļø

Pranshu Rastogi
7 min readJul 4, 2023


Once upon a time, when the kingdom of privacy started failing, and everyone started questioning scalability. Mina warrior comes to the picture and decides to fight for them. The persistence and Persuasion of Mina were unmatchable; by seeing this, more and more nodes started joining it. So, letā€™s get started and unveil the Mina Protocol šŸ„·šŸ¼.

Unveiling Mina ProtocolšŸ› ļø

Circuit to Proof Systems(C2PS) has always been a complex issue in cryptography. Kimchi is a break-through approach in dealing with circuits and proving their authenticity. Itā€™s like adding more flavour to the dish. However, you might wonder, what is Kimchi? Well, itā€™s not a Korean dishšŸœ.

Put simply, itā€™s a mechanism that enables Plookup integration in Pedersen Hash, helping to establish fast ZK-SNARKs proofs. Now you might think, why is it important? Well, a circuit that can prove its authenticity is beneficial in blockchain systems, especially for ensuring privacy without revealing sensitive information.

Here is the Index of what we will be covering in this blog, feel free to skip and jump as per your needs.


  • What is Mina Protocol?
  • The Technical Perspective
    ā€” Consensus
    ā€” Zero-Knowledge Proofs
    ā€” SNARKs
    ā€” Blockchain and Storage Optimization
  • Kimchi
  • The Architecture
  • The Advantage of Mina Protocol
  • Developer Tools and Community Support
  • Conclusion

What is Mina Protocol?

The Mina Protocol is the worldā€™s lightest blockchain, powered by participants. In contrast to traditional blockchains that grow with each new transaction, Mina remains a constant size ā€” about 22kb, the equivalent of a few tweets. This unique quality brings unprecedented accessibility, scalability, and security to users, embodying the true potential of blockchain technology.

The secret sauce behind Mina Protocolā€™s success is its unique consensus mechanism, ā€˜ Ouroboros Samasika.ā€™ It enables the miners to use off-chain computation, reducing the storage required to run Smart Contracts. Zero-knowledge proofs (Zk-Snarks) further enhance privacy and security. These features allow Mina Protocol to store only a cryptographic proof of the entire blockchain instead of the whole copy of the ledger, making it portable, accessible, and verifiable.

With blockchain and storage optimization, developers can build decentralized applications without worrying about block size and storage limitations. Communication with Layer 1 and Layer 2 is seamless in the Mina Protocol architecture. The Layer 1 architecture features a set of protocols that allow developers to bridge the gap between the blockchain and data storage, plus a flexible smart contract layer. The Layer 2 architecture supports the development of more complex applications and is designed with a general-purpose architecture that aims to provide flexibility for future scalability.

The Mina Protocol has many advantages, but perhaps the most significant is its scalability. It can support thousands of transactions per second. Its decentralization also allows users to have complete control over their data, ensuring that the network wonā€™t be compromised by any authority.

The Technical Perspective:

ā€” Consensus Mechanism:
Mina Protocol utilizes Ouroboros Samasika, a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism, which is considered one of the most secure and energy-efficient consensus mechanisms. Unlike a Proof of Work (PoW) system, which requires miners to solve complex algorithms to add blocks to the blockchain, PoS systems are more energy-efficient as they use validators who are willing to hold a certain number of tokens as stakes and earn rewards.

ā€” Zero-Knowledge Proofs:
As previously mentioned, Mina Protocolā€™s zk-SNARKs technology is what sets it apart from other blockchains. zk-SNARKs enable Mina Protocol to maintain a constant-sized proof, which is necessary for maintaining the lightness of the blockchain. This technology enables Mina Protocol to validate and verify transactions without requiring full transaction details, making it one of the most privacy-preserving protocols in existence.

ā€” SNARKs:
Succinct Non-interactive Zero-knowledge Arguments of Knowledge (SNARKs) is a technology used in the Mina Protocol, which allows Proofs of a statement to be generated without showing any knowledge about the statement history, meaning that the proof is private and secure. In short, a SNARK generates a short-end product with random data in the front end.

ā€” Blockchain and Storage Optimization:
Mina Protocol uses recursive zk-SNARKs to help compress the entire blockchain history, making it possible for participants to use mobile phones or even old computers to run a Mina node without worrying about storage constraints. Recursive SNARKs are snippets of code that can be reused in different snarks, which also optimizes storage on the blockchain platform.


The overview of Kimchi entails a range of cryptographic tools that are put together in a single platform. Its functionality is based on polynomial commitments, which help obfuscate the computations involved in encryption. Its sophisticated architecture enables the encryption of large-scale networks with ease, making it a great option for complex systems.

Kimchiā€™s development has been influenced by notable cryptographic technologies such as zk-SNARKs and Plonk. Combining these techniques has resulted in an impressive framework that is as effective as it is practical.

The arguments used in the integration of Kimchi are attainable, customizable, and easy to execute. This is the result of the integration of various cryptographic tools such as polynomial commitments, hashing, and permutation.

To ensure ease of use, Snarky and Pickles have been integrated into the Kimchi backend. The former is used in circuit generation, while the later is essential in the accumulation of data for the inductive proof system. Combining the two tools has resulted in a seamless process of generating cryptographic proofs that cannot be denied.

The Architecture:

Are you ready to explore Mina Protocolā€™s architecture? I promise itā€™s not going to be boring. So letā€™s dive into it!

Mina Protocol architecture allows it to handle large amounts of data and computations while maintaining a small and lightweight blockchain. This unique approach is what sets Mina apart from other blockchain solutions.

  • Layer 1 Architecture

The layer 1 architecture of Mina Protocol is based on recursive composition, which means that each block in the blockchain is a tiny snapshot of the entire state of the network. This approach enables Mina to maintain a constant blockchain size of only 22KB regardless of the number of transactions processed. The combination of recursive composition and zero-knowledge proofs allows for a much more scalable, decentralized, and secure blockchain than traditional chains.

Mina Protocol uses a proof-of-stake consensus mechanism called Ouroboros Samasika, which is optimized for recursive composition to reduce the computational overhead of verifying transactions. The Ouroboros Samasika algorithm allows block producers to be selected based on their staked tokens, and the probability of a node being selected increases with the number of tokens they have staked. This design ensures that the network remains secure and that block producers are incentivized to act in the best interests of the network.

  • Layer 2 Architecture

Mina Protocolā€™s layer 2 architecture is based on SNApps, (SNARK-powered Applications), which are layer 2 applications that interact with the Mina blockchain. SNApps can be developed using a wide range of programming languages and run on a Snark-based virtual machine. Snarks are used to prove the validity of transactions, which means that they can be verified off-chain. This design allows for much faster transaction speeds and lower transaction fees than traditional blockchains.

The Advantage of Mina Protocol:

So, you want to know what sets Mina Protocol apart from other blockchain platforms and why itā€™s worth your attention? Letā€™s dig into the advantages that Mina offers.

First up is ā€œscalability.ā€ Minaā€™s design is centered around using ā€œsnarksā€ (zk-SNARKs, to be precise), which allows for incredibly efficient data compression. With Mina, even as the blockchain grows in size, the amount of storage required to maintain the ledger remains the same! This enables Mina to handle massive transaction volumes while maintaining a low barrier to entry for node operators.

Second, letā€™s talk about ā€œdecentralization.ā€ Mining on most blockchain platforms requires specialized hardware to participate in the consensus process, making it increasingly difficult for individuals to get involved in mining activities. This results in a centralized mining ecosystem, controlled by a network of large miners. With Mina, the consensus mechanism is designed to reduce barriers to entry for node operators, opening up ā€œblock productionā€ activities, which in turn promote decentralization.

Lastly, ā€œinteroperabilityā€ is a key advantage of Mina Protocol. The flexibility of Minaā€™s design allows it to interface with other blockchains or external systems, making it a perfect fit for decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms or other blockchain applications that require cross-chain compatibility.

Developer Tools and Community Support:

Mina Protocol has a thriving developer community, and the team behind the protocol provides a wide range of tools and resources for developers to build on the network. Some of the key resources include:

- A comprehensive developer documentation website that includes tutorials, code samples, and API documentation.
- A community Discord server where developers can collaborate, share ideas, and get support from the Mina team and other developers.
- A grants program that provides funding for projects that contribute to the Mina ecosystem.

Mina Protocol also has a strong presence in the open-source community, with the codebase available on GitHub for anyone to review and contribute to.


Introduction to Mina Protocol, its technical details, architecture, advantages, developer tools, and community support have been discussed in detail. Mina Protocol is the lightest blockchain in the world that uses zero-knowledge proofs to ensure scalability, decentralization, and interoperability.

The technical details explained how Mina Protocol addresses common blockchain problems such as scalability and storage optimization. The architecture of Mina Protocol is designed with layer one and layer two that allows for low-cost transactions and complex smart contracts, respectively. It also has a community of developers that build tools to make it easier for everyone to build on Mina Protocol.

The advantages of Mina Protocol include scalability, decentralization, and Interoperability. It allows for decentralized finance, NFTs, and social impact.

In summary, Mina Protocol is a revolutionary blockchain protocol that has addressed the problems of scalability, decentralization, and interoperability.

Few resources that you can explore:

Please let me know if you have any queries, and I will be very glad if you can share feedback with me. Always happy to learn more, so letā€™s connect and explore together šŸ¤šŸ¼ šŸ‘‡šŸ¼
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Pranshu Rastogi

Blockchain || ZKP || Queerly curious šŸ§|| Empathy resonates šŸ’— || Learn & Grow together