Tale of the kingdom [#MARK studio]:: to [SEQR] the QR code.

Pranshu Rastogi
4 min readApr 23, 2021


Dhiway’s Enterprise-Ready Application To Create And Share #MARKs

Before starting the main story, let me tell you about the origin of the species of someone [you will find out eventually]because of which I am writing this article. The origin of QR code.

** In the old husky voice, dramatic music starts playing in the background**

Somewhere in Japan around 1994 when a veteran Barcode was unable to hold data to some extent and the wave of economic growth was hitting the city. A cloud appeared named Denso Wave with a thunderstrike of 2-Dimensional barcode and that’s how QR [Quick Response]code has been created.

With the passage of time and in the wind of economic growth, QR code started getting popular and hold their position in various sectors, like —

  1. Digital Governance
  2. Education
  3. Healthcare
  4. Logistics
  5. E-Commerce
  6. Agritech.

** I will not break the stereotype of storytelling, so this is the time for the entry of villain**

An increase in the popularity and the quick adoption also leads to the entry of QR codes associated with malware, phishing, fraud, fake and other members of this gang. The trust was getting lost from our beloved QR codes day by day. Even with some precautions, there was a spike in the number of cases that were associated with these gang members.

Remember the cloud named Denso wave, this time the cloud named Dhiway came up and our hero #Mark is created. The Multi-purpose, portable, secure, and tampered proof QR code is here — #MARK. The era to upgrade the QR code is created.

Without adding much to this, let me take you to the kingdom where #Mark is created i.e, #Mark Studio, and guide you to upgrade your QR by creating your own customized hero [#MARK].

Click here or scan the #Mark below.

#Mark Studio — Sign up.
#Mark Studio — Sign up.

Assuming you have entered the kingdom — #MARK Studio, I’ll guide you, how to create QR code v2.0 — #Mark.

  1. Get your access card to enter the kingdom by Sign up and log in.
  2. After successful login, you will be in the creative area of the kingdom named Dashboard.
  3. Now we will create an area to group our hero’s (#Marks) by creating a folder.
Click on this button, to create a folder and group #MARK in it according to your requirement.
Name your folder and add a description. Finally, click on Create & Save.

4. Now you have 2 powers — Create a single #Mark or multiple. I’ll guide you by creating a single superhero [#Mark].

Click on #MARK to create an upgraded QR code.

5. Now to create your own customizable hero, you have a superpower named — Select schema, from which you can select your superpower[Schema] and create your customized hero [#MARK] and also give a nickname [Title] to it.

Creating your #MARK by selecting the schema of your choice.

6. Woohoo !! Your first customized hero has been created. Smile, because you have been just upgraded to the era of QR codes — [#MARKS].

Click on this card on your dashboard to explore more.

7. Check out the features it comes up with, I’ll leave you here to explore more.

#MARK that we created with all the details and blockchain hash and link.
Our first customized hero, scan this to follow me on Twitter.

Hey, wait a minute. I’m getting a phone call…
Got to go, It’s an emergency call for more things like this but before that, you all are warriors that stayed till now. Here is the reward for you all, the powerful tool of #MARK studio kingdom. The SEQR app, that sees within the QR code and protects you all.

Collect your reward

Android device.
IOS device.

This was just a small insight into the kingdom [#MARK studio] and the tool [SEQR app]. There is a lot underneath, explore and do let me know about your findings and if you have any queries.

Yes, you know where to find me —

Linkedin, Twitter, Github, or anywhere you see me.



Pranshu Rastogi
Pranshu Rastogi

Written by Pranshu Rastogi

Head of Ecosystem and Integrations @ Push Chain || Blockchain || ZKP | Empathy resonates 💗 || Learn & Grow together

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